About The Book
For Dame Gulizar and Other Love Stories, Rebecca Topakian’s starting point is the unique story of her Armenian family, who lived in Turkey before her grandfather emigrated to France. This story is the love of her great-grandparents – Garabed and Gulizar.
Topakian explored this part of her identity by choosing fiction and mythology. Bearing the love story of her ancestors in mind while she traveled and lived in Armenia, desire became the thread of this project: it is a desire for earth, ground, identity, but also for the other’s body acting almost as a mirror. The book includes her own pictures mixed with her family archives, establishing a link between past and present. Publisher’s Info
About The Artist
Rebecca Topakian graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie of Arles in 2015. With a background in philosophy and geography, she questions notions of identity and memory in her work. By exploring the in-betweens, the mythologies and fictions of identity, she consistently attempts to shed light on the crucial role it plays in our time.
She has participated in many exhibitions in France and abroad. Her first book, Infra- (Classe Moyenne Editions, 2017) was shortlisted for the author book prize of les Rencontres d’Arles.
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About The Publisher
Established in 2012, BLOW UP PRESS is a family run publisher of photobooks and lens-based art books. Originally online publisher, BUP switched to paper in 2016. Next to the books, BUP also publishes doc! photo magazine dedicated to contemporary photography. Since 2020, BUP organises annual contest BUP Book Award which goal is to promote photobooks as a way of communicate important subjects.