Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog

Miguel Rio Branco: Photographic Works 1968-1992

Miguel Rio Branco (*1946) is a painter, photographer, filmmaker, and creator of multimedia installations who currently lives and works in Rio de Janeiro.

He worked as a photographer and director of experimental films in New York from 1970 to 1972. He photographed and directed short films and features in the next nine years. In parallel, pursuing his photography staff, he developed a working document of strong poetic charge.

Rio Branco’s photographs were published in various magazines like Stern, National Geographic, Geo, Aperture, Photo Magazine, Europeo, Paseante. Sudor Dulce Amargo, the first book of Rio Branco was published in 1985 by the Economic Culture Fund, Mexico . The second, Nakta with a poem by Louis Calaferte was published in 1996 by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba. In 1998 he released two books: Miguel Rio Branco, with essay by David Levi Strauss, published by Aperture and Silent Book, by Cosac Naify.

Artist: http://www.miguelriobranco.com.br/

Publisher: https://www.editorialrm.com/en/producto/miguel-rio-branco/

Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Salvador de Bahia, 1979 © Miguel Rio Branco / Magnum Photos
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog

In his photography, Miguel Rio Branco captures the bodies of men and women in all their glory and their weariness, their modesty and exhibitionism, with intentional close-ups, against backgrounds devoid of depth. His own gaze supports those of his models: nothing is evaded. His characters have their backs to the wall. As one moves closer, the images become oneiric, bordering on the grotesque, and finally overflowing, in the manner of Goya’s late works.

Publisher’s Info

Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Miguel Rio Branco - Photographic Works 1968-1992 - Bildersturm Blog
Publishers: RM / Toluca Editions / Le Bal


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